Our smallest dream catcher size is perfect a gift or a special little niche in your nest. They are wrapped in french leather with lengthy hand-cut fringe.
The inner web is woven by hand with the intention of capturing all of the bad dreams while allowing the good ones to pass through the center. The web is representative of Natures' ultimate connection that links all beings.
The crystal is wrapped in a snug leather support.
The bottom fringe and frame are decorated with turkey feathers which are said to let the bad dreams that have been caught in the net drip down them to be burnt away with the morning light.
Clear Quartz Healing Properties-
Clear Quartz is known as the "master healer" and will amplify energy and thought, as well as the effect of other crystals. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy.
Clear Quartz enhances psychic abilities. It aids concentration and unlocks memory, Stimulates the immune system and brings the body into balance. Clear Quartz (Crystal Quartz, Rock Crystal) harmonises all the chakras and aligns the subtle bodies
Clear Quartz brings strength and clarity to the intellect, aiding concentration and memory retention, and filtering out distractions. Its hypnotic quality is conducive to sleep, helping one to understand the messages and lessons conveyed during the dream state. In the metaphysical world, Clear Quartz crystals are the supreme gift of Mother Earth. Ancients believed these stones to be alive, taking a breath once every hundred years or so, and many cultures thought them to be incarnations of the Divine.
Throughout history, Clear Quartz has been valued by nearly every civilization as far back as Atlantis and Lemuria, where the sun's power was believed to be harnessed through a crystal as a source of solar energy refraction. They, along with Native American Indians, African tribes, ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Romans, Scots and countless other cultures used Clear Quartz in diagnostic healing, meditations and spiritual development..
The crystal is wrapped in a snug leather support.
The bottom fringe is decorated with natural goose feathers which are said to let the bad dreams that have been caught in the net drip down them to be burnt away with the morning light.
Labradorite is a stone of transformation and a useful companion through change, imparting strength, and perseverance. Labradorite balances and protects the aura, raises consciousness, and grounds energies. An excellent choice if you're needing to strengthen your intuition as it will help reveal your spiritual destiny to you. Said to represent the temple of stars, it brings clarity of thought and wisdom to us. This stone enhances perseverance and aids in having patience, which leads to better focus and concentration. The mineral in this stone is feldspar, the same element found in an Opal and is what creates its color luminescence and flash. Labradorite corresponds to the astrological signs of Sagittarius, Scorpio, and Leo.
Approximate Measurements:
- 10" Across | 27.5" Length