Samantha Howard, Melody Torres and Becky Dosh – this is the powerhouse trio that started Wings Hawaii more than 20 years ago at the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
These visionaries were way ahead of their time, using upcycled materials to hand-craft unique clothing and jewelry. “This was before the handmade movement that’s gained popularity in the last 10 years or so,” says Melody. “Back then, we would sometimes hear that our products ‘looked homemade.’ But we knew we were onto something special with our handcrafted, one-of-a-kind items.”
Indeed they were. From those early days of campus sales, through the thriving storefront business that Wings Hawaii is today, these three founders have remained the constant backbone behind its success.

You can read the full Wings origin story here, but today we’re focusing on these three fabulous individuals. Read on to learn a bit more about our fearless founders!
Samantha Howard, Founder/Designer

-Astrological sign: Sagittarius
-Birthstone: tanzanite or zircon or turquoise
-Yearbook quote: “Don’t take life too seriously; it’s not like you’re getting out alive.”
-Training/background: I have my BA in studio art with an emphasis in sculpture.
-Why did you choose the name Wings, and what does that mean to you? The Wings name was because of the butterfly jewelry I had been making. Those pieces were all about personal metamorphosis.
-Typical day at Wings: Every day is so different. The other day I was scraping the floor. All the other days I was making jewelry. Another day last week I was doing administrative work. Feels like I’m still in school, and I enjoy that.
-Favorite gemstone: Rainbow moonstone. I really feel the energy to be calming, but also it’s just so crazy beautiful.
-If someone asked you what a “real life mermaid” is, how would you answer? “C’est moi!”
-Weekend plans: Farmers market, gardening, potential beach trip. These days, I also really want to sleep, lol
-Hobbies: Gardening, crafting, shell-picking
-Random fun fact: I was on Full House as an extra when I was in elementary school.
-What I want people to know about Wings: We are not just a store or a brand, but there is so much heart behind what we are doing. I like to think it’s more than just a company.
Melody Torres, Founder/Maker

-Astrological sign: Gemini
-Birthstone: Pearl/Moonstone
-Yearbook quote: “A rising tide lifts all boats.”
-Hobbies: Shell hunting, thrifting, keeping my kid alive
-Favorite thing about working at Wings: Genuinely enjoying what I do each day and working with people who feel the same way—it makes for a really positive work environment.
-Favorite Wings story: Back in 2007, one of our first Wings shoppers sought us out because he thought we were a chicken wing restaurant. He and his wife were surprised to walk in and find us screen-printing tees in our tiny shop! Although they thought they were getting lunch, they ended up shopping with us, and continued to be frequent Wings shoppers for many years to come!
-If someone asked you what a “real life mermaid” is, how would you answer? Free spirited, adventurous and a lover of the sea
-Random fun fact: I have insanely good parking juju, hahaha! I score rockstar parking pretty much everywhere I go.
-What brings me joy: Sharing food and feeding people is a love language. It’s lychee season, and I’ve spent many hours on a ladder in the tree tops. I’ve picked and given away at least 50 pounds of fruit so far this season. I love sharing these harvests with friends and coworkers. Getting food into the community, rather than rotting on the ground, feels like a simple yet major win, and making people happy also brings me joy.
-What do you hope never changes about Wings? Our crew!! We’ve built such a beautiful team of artists and creators, and I’d love to keep them along for the ride because I know Wings will continue to grow and thrive, and every single team member is a special part of that.
-How do you envision Wings in the next 20 years? Hopefully grooving right along in Paia town. Inspiring the next generations to be creative and follow their dreams.
Becky Dosh, Founder/Store Manager & Merchandiser

-Astrological sign: Aries Taurus Cusp
-Birthstone: Diamond!
-Yearbook quote: “Where there is love, there is life.” - Ghandi
-Years working with Wings: Since the beginning! I’m one of the O.G. co-founders
-Favorite thing about working at Wings: Getting to see how inspired our art makes people :)
-Favorite Wings product at the moment: The Crown Moonstone Ring!!!!!
-Typical day at Wings: I’ll come into our Paia store and typically rearrange and merchandise all of our beautiful creations. From the clothing, to jewelry, to all the other great items we carry! I love chatting with old customers of ours and meeting new Wings fans.
-Favorite gemstone: I do love my birthstone the Diamond. It’s just so beautiful but I also absolutely love Black Tourmaline. There is something so classy about the way it looks paired with gold. And I love that it goes with just about anything you wear.
-If someone asked you what a “real life mermaid’ is, how would you respond? A person who appreciates our planet and all things beautiful and unique.
-Weekend plans: Find some sun and work in my yard!
-Go-to work snack: Fritos or Cheese Puffs. I know I’m horrible.
-Favorite place on Maui: Honomanu. My favorite surf spot and it’s just beautiful there. You pull your car up and cruise by the water and river outlet all day!
-What I want people to know about Wings: We are what you see; hardworking women creating things we love!
[Note from the writer: As one of their long-time friends, I’d like to take a personal moment to gush about each of these women individually.
Sam has the heart of an artist and the mind of a trailblazer; there’s no goal she can’t reach when her mind is set on a vision. She’s one of those people who excels at a million different things. I’ve been in awe of her gutsy spirit since the day I met her 22 years ago.
Melody is a ray of sunshine mixed with a shot of tequila. She gets shit DONE with an irresistibly infectious smile and an F-bomb at the ready. Just a total badass. In the event of zombie apocalypse, I’d move in with her. I also marvel at her community volunteer work.
Becky has an absolute heart of gold, with an inspired mind to match. She’s that friend who everyone adores. Resourceful, creative, highly talented, and all-around dazzling. Just thinking about her feels like a warm hug.
Together as a team, they’re unstoppable.
I love you, gals! -ACdC]